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Choosing the Right Windproof Lighter

There are numerous lighters that fall under the heading of ‘’windproof’’ and just to be clear, there is no lighter that is 100 percent wind resistant. A serious wind can quickly extinguish the flam. Actually, these lights can only be thought to be windproof- there are some types of electronic lighters that give the best wind resistance. However, the heat they produce is hard enough to cause fire.

For those who love to smoke, choosing the Encenedor electrico is the best way to go. The best thing about these lighters is that they make an arc of electric heat that can immediately light the tip of a cigarette or a tiny cigar. They can also work well in high winds because they don’t really get to be blown out.

For pipe or cigar smokers, they need this type of lighter because they do not need any flame to work or to ignite the tobacco.

Taking care of your electric lighter

It is important to take good care of your Encenedor electrico is you want it to serve you for a long time. There is not much when it comes to electric lighter.

For the conventional wind resistant jet flame type of lighter, it only needs you to refill the pressurized bottle once the reservoir doesn’t have the butane. Generally, the refilling procedure is easy and doesn’t take long.

However, once the electric lighters have an issue with the electric ignition system, there is usually no cheaper way to get them fixed, you will have to replace them or discard them.

 You also need to clean your encendedor electrico on a regular basis. This will help ensure they remain in mint condition for a long time.

Electric lighters are extremely effective and always safe to use.

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